Hello Sourdough Delicious and Easy Sourdough Recipes

🍞 Classic Sourdough BLT Recipe 🥓

Learn how to make a delicious Classic Sourdough BLT sandwich with crispy bacon, fresh lettuce, and juicy tomatoes. Customize it with your favorite ingredients. Try it now!

Classic Sourdough BLT

You will need:

  • sourdough breadSourdough bread
  • baconBacon
  • lettuceLettuce
  • tomatoTomato
  • mayonnaiseMayonnaise


  1. First, lightly toast the sourdough bread slices to your desired level of crispness. This will give the sandwich a satisfying crunch.
  2. Next, cook the bacon in a skillet over medium heat until it's crispy. Be sure to turn it occasionally for even cooking.
  3. While the bacon is cooking, slice the tomatoes into thin rounds. This will provide a juicy, fresh contrast to the crispy bacon.
  4. Once the bacon is cooked and the tomatoes are sliced, spread a generous amount of mayonnaise on one side of each toasted bread slice. The mayonnaise will add a creamy element to the sandwich.
  5. Now, it's time to assemble the sandwich. Layer the crispy bacon, crisp lettuce, and juicy tomato slices on one slice of the bread.
  6. Cover the sandwich with the other slice of bread, mayonnaise side down. This will ensure that all the ingredients are held together nicely.
  7. Finally, cut the sandwich in half diagonally and serve. Enjoy your classic sourdough BLT!


Feel free to add or substitute ingredients according to your preference. For a healthier option, you can use turkey bacon or add avocado slices. For a spicy kick, you can add a slice of pepper jack cheese or spread some sriracha mayo.

Welcome to Hello Sourdough, your one-stop destination for everything related to sourdough bread making. We are excited to share with you a classic sourdough recipe that will surely satisfy your taste buds - the Classic Sourdough BLT.

To make this delicious sandwich, you will need a few simple ingredients. First, grab some fresh sourdough bread, known for its tangy flavor and chewy texture. Next, gather some crispy bacon, crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, and creamy mayonnaise. These ingredients come together to create a mouthwatering combination of flavors and textures.

Now, let's dive into the instructions. Start by toasting the sourdough bread slices to enhance their flavor and add a delightful crunch. While the bread is toasting, cook the bacon until it reaches a crispy perfection. Slice the tomatoes, ensuring they are ripe and juicy.

Once the bread is toasted, spread a generous amount of mayonnaise on one side of each bread slice. This will add a creamy richness to the sandwich. Now it's time to assemble the BLT. Layer the bacon, lettuce, and tomato on one slice of bread, creating a harmonious blend of savory, crunchy, and fresh flavors. Finally, cover the sandwich with the other slice of bread, mayonnaise side down, to complete the masterpiece.

To add your personal touch, feel free to experiment with additional ingredients or substitutions. For a healthier option, you can use turkey bacon or add slices of avocado. If you're craving a spicy kick, consider adding a slice of pepper jack cheese or spreading some sriracha mayo. The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to get creative!

Now that your Classic Sourdough BLT is ready, it's time to indulge in this delectable creation. Cut the sandwich in half and serve it as a satisfying lunch or a tasty snack. The combination of the tangy sourdough bread, smoky bacon, fresh lettuce, juicy tomatoes, and creamy mayonnaise will surely leave you craving more.

At Hello Sourdough, we are passionate about sharing the joy of sourdough bread making. Whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting your sourdough journey, we have a wide range of recipes, tips, and techniques to help you create delicious sourdough treats. From pancakes to sandwiches, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to maintain a healthy sourdough starter and enjoy the wonderful world of sourdough baking.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your apron on, grab your ingredients, and let's get baking! Explore our website for more mouthwatering recipes and expert advice. Happy baking!